Archive for March, 2018

Living Life
on March 14, 2018 at 10:01 pm / in SPORTS

Living Life

  The Camden Boris Story     In today’s society, there seems to be a lot of young people not enjoying life for various reasons or circumstances, but Mr. Camden Boris doesn’t have those type of problems. At the moment, he understands his position in life and knows there is enough time to deal with adult problems when they arise […]

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Heavenly Favored For Earthly Influence
on March 13, 2018 at 12:10 am / in FAITH & SPIRITUALITY

Heavenly Favored For Earthly Influence

  When I think of someone who exemplifies the meaning of being heavenly sent, its without question that a 95 year old woman by the name of Dr. Ruth Mizell comes to my mind. I had the honor and pleasure of meeting Ruth on Capitol Hill earlier this year. When I say, there is something special about being in her […]

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on March 13, 2018 at 12:09 am / in FAITH & SPIRITUALITY

The Planters Institute

Founder:  Jerry Lewis Daniels, Jr. / Email:    For information about The Planters Institute, visit: ABOUT: The Planters Institute was established in Columbia, Maryland in March 2012 as a non-profit training institute for ministers and designated teams of individuals whose aim is to expand the Kingdom of God through starting Churches. The Institute develops curriculum that allows current church startups […]

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Black Panther: Not Just Another Super Hero Movie
on March 13, 2018 at 12:07 am / in ENTERTAINMENT, ENTERTAINMENT & FASHION

Black Panther: Not Just Another Super Hero Movie

The long awaited super hero movie “Black Panther” has arrived. I must say not only was Wakanda a hidden treasure of beautiful rolling hills, full of green fields and lush colorful vegetation; but it was an action-packed, high paced center of technology and innovation. The story line was multi-dimensional. You did not just have the super hero, the villain, the damsel in […]

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A Spiritual Life
on March 13, 2018 at 12:04 am / in FAITH & SPIRITUALITY

A Spiritual Life

Over twenty years ago, Dr. Margaret Ellis came to America for a better education and way of life. She left corporate America in 2016, when God spoke to her about making a change, and Margaret Ellis Influence LLC was created. Margaret worked in the educational, retail, financial and service industries when she came to America. However, God had a different […]

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This Year…You, Me, Us
on March 13, 2018 at 12:04 am / in FAITH & SPIRITUALITY

This Year…You, Me, Us

This Year…You, Me, Us Elevation = #GREATERNESS Key Scripture:  1 Corinthians 2:9 This year… Not next year…You, Me, Us – We will soar. YES, WE WILL SOAR!!! Are you hearing me? If not, get a Q-tip, get a damp towel, get a piece of tissue and clean out your ear canals. You need to hear this! Twenty eighteen is the […]

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I Love To Teach
on March 13, 2018 at 12:02 am / in EDUCATION

I Love To Teach

Some individuals are going through life, just living the everyday ‘grind.’ Then you have those who live with a purpose, who honestly want to improve their surroundings in their community. Dr. Leslie Grace is one of these people in the city of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Professor Grace has always been self-driven and a little more mature than her peers […]

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