Track Is My Life

Coach Corey Bailey is a man of many traits and interests; but he is never too far away from his love: track and field. He started his high school coaching career in 2001 at his alma mater, East Chicago Central High School, in East Chicago, Indiana. Coach Bailey was known on the AAU Track & Field circuit, and his teams have produced 10 Indiana state champions during his two-years of coaching at the AAU level. Several of Coach Bailey’s athletes have obtained numerous track & field college scholarships; and all have done well at their colleges or universities.

Coach Corey Bailey was very instrumental in the lives of several young athletes competing at the AAU Junior Olympics and USA Track & Field Junior Nationals. His reputation proceeded him; therefore, being an excellent hire as the new Head Boys Track & Field Coach at Highland High School in 2016. In his first season as the Trojans head coach, he led the team to a post-season 2nd Place finish at sectionals; which was the highest finish in 15 years. In 2017, he led the team to win the post-season Sectional Championship Title, the first title in 27 years; and followed up with another title the following year in 2018. The first back-to-back Sectional Championship Titles in 50 years; which was extremely rewarding for the school’s track program. At the time of this particular article, the Highland High School Administration had decided to part ways with this very successful track coach, although no real reason was given. He thought about fighting his unexpected dismissal; but he remembered a very relevant quote, by our former First Lady Michelle Obama, “When they go low, you go high!”

Coach Bailey will never disrespect himself as a man because of other’s ignorance, no matter the reason. He was their first ever black track coach in a dominantly white school system/district; and another coach wanted his position. Actions like this only hurt the student-athletes, who loved their coach dearly. He had turned the track program around in a short 3-year time period.

Coach Corey Bailey was not a staff member at Highland High School where he was the Boys Head Varsity Track Coach. He is now the Dean of Students, at Joseph L. Block Middle School in East Chicago, Indiana. His passion to see all young people achieve, both in and out of the classroom is very evident. He is a person that every school system would love to have on their staff.

A lot of people really don’t know about the man we all affectionately call, Coach Bailey; who dedicates a lot of his time as a wide receiver coach to the high school’s football team. He’s coached an individual state champion at Highland High School in the high jump event as well. He’s a humble individual and plans to remain that way. He now does some private training with some young elite athletes looking to improve on their personal best. I was recently told that a couple of local high school track programs are secretly interested in bringing Mr. Corey Bailey on board in the near future.

A person of his ability won’t be out of work for too long because he is proven and tested. Some lucky track program is going to be blessed with a proven winner that truly cares and knows how to win.

It’s about to get really interesting around the Northwest Indiana Region in track again. You have been warned. Good luck, Coach Corey Bailey; but I know we will be hearing from you again soon.

Coach Tony Branch

GLM Freelance Sports Writer