The Right Decision

The Right Decision
By:  Houssam Makki
Author / Speaker / Teacher / Life & Leadership Coach

You will never be able to take the lead of your life until you say, “Enough is enough,” and draw a line! This is what I have heard Les Brown saying when I was listening to one of his speeches while working in my office; and that was the day I decided to draw this line. I drew a line and made a new start, new environment, new relationships and new experiences. Today, we are in 2019; and I wanted to write this as my first article of this year; because I am celebrating ten years of making the decision of leading
my life and committing to this big shift; not only that, but I am renewing my
commitment to myself for the rest of my life – because today, when I am looking back, I can see how much I have grown spiritually, mentally, professionally and personally.

I can’t be more grateful to God for showing me the way and leading me to the right decision. God’s obedience lies in our personal, spiritual and intellectual growth after all! It is in the core of my belief that what I am doing in terms of developing others is a part my pay back to him. Let me tell you a little secret here; the difference between a decision and the right decision is huge. a decision is like having the intentions only, but never doing anything about it. This reminds me of the three frogs who were on a log; and one of them decided to jump – so the question was: how many frogs were left on this log? The answer was: still three! Just because you decided to do something, it does not mean that you are going to act on it.

We make decisions daily; but making the right decision is different. The word right already sets the tone. You know by heart that it is right; and this alone will create an urge in your heart to be intentional about it and act on it. Here is what I know about right decisions: is that they draw towards you opportunities that multiply by time; but in order to make the right decisions much more impacting on your life, there is an important condition that must be agreed on. That’s right! Commitment is the key condition if you are looking to reap the fruits of a right decision that you’ve made.

I have learned a lot during this decade; and the most prominent thing I learned was that during a decision, we human beings love to get prepared; and when the time comes, we retreat nicely with excuses and never act on what we were planning to do. Isn’t that what usually happens during the New Year season? The big fancy (New Year resolution) …we’ve gotten use to the idea that it became a habit; or shall I say a tradition for us – more than a real thing; where we really sit and think so we can take the right decision and commit to what is going to create a shift in our lives!

I am telling you this because I was there; and I used to always wonder why things were not getting better. Ok, now that the New Year kickoff is over and we’ve celebrated (we even wished each family member, friend and relative things like, “May this year be better than the last one”, “…may it brings happiness, love and success”)… now what? Shall we wait for the next 365 days to bring us happiness, love or success? Shall we see if the circumstances will allow us to commit to our resolution? Or maybe wait for the leap year, hoping that one day might change the course of our lives. I ask myself every December:

How would I want next December to look like?
Who am I going to be next year?
What am I going to celebrate?

… And I know that these questions are going to evolve. My life began to change when I understood one of the universal laws; and that is The Law of Cause and Effect. For every effect, there is a definite cause; and for every cause there is a definite effect – meaning that our behaviors and actions create the effects that form our lives as we know them and live them now. Here is what I have to tell you: Don’t start a new year with an old you! If you are not happy with the effects you have created, then you must change the causes that created them; and keep this in mind: time and seasons are there to help you measure your progress. Remember: “Successful people make right decisions early and manage those decisions daily.”

John C. Maxwell

I am Houssam Makki; I am the reborn. This is my message and I am paying it forward to inspire others.
Be blessed,

Houssam Makki
Author / Speaker / Teacher / Life & Leadership Coach