PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release
Anti-Bullying will be Theme of a Pre-Big Game Event in Phoenix
The last week in January 2015 will probably be the busiest tourism period in Phoenix history. It will be a sports fanatic’s fantasy with the Pro Bowl, Super Bowl, and Waste Management Open (with Tiger Woods), Hollywood celebrities, professionals from all sports, concerts, parties and innumerable special events. But it is also an opportunity to bring attention to issues plaguing sports from domestic violence to sex trafficking. On January 31, there will be several opportunities to address another important topic and for young people to get involved in the hoopla. DRE Entertainment, Linking Sports & Communities LLC (LSC) and the Master Karate Todd Project will host the CUT the BULLying event for youth from pre-school through college at Coach’s Corner Grill in Phoenix, Arizona.
LSC is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit, which has been encouraging student athletes to stay in school, lead healthy lifestyles and be financially responsible. Bullying impacts students in many ways. Bullying is a major contributor to dropping out of school. Athletes are often guilty of bullying non-athletic youth. But athletes themselves can suffer hazing and bullying from other athletes, as well. LSC’s 2015 theme is “CUT the BULLying,” and it will focus on educational campaigns to reduce such harassment.
Julian Ford was an undersized 12-year-old in Virginia when his mother enrolled him in karate classes. He went on to eventually win a National Championship and the 1988 Junior Olympic Gold Medal. In 2007, he created the Master Karate Todd character. The animated videos educate kids about the value of exercise, nutrition and self-esteem. He and his brother, Harold, now produce Master Karate Todd books, DVDs, social media and other products in English and Spanish, and broadcast on Soul of the South television in 22 markets throughout the US.
“We saw an opportunity to form a partnership that would help children enjoy this exciting week in Phoenix,” said LSC Founder Denise Meridith, “As well as learn about an important issue in sports.” LSC and Master Karate Todd will host up to 200 students at the event on January 31.
From 9-11 AM on the 31st, there will be a fun session for 50 Arizona 5-11 year-olds, led by Master Karate Todd. Afterwards, at noon, there will be a networking event, where older youth (12 years old through college) can hear from famous athletes and entertainers, like Jesse LeBeau, Trey Woods, Frankie V, John Bronson and others, about the importance of not bullying others and defending others from bullying.
People can learn more about the events on the website and and make arrangements to attend either event by contacting