20 Reasons Why People Don’t Get Hired and Interview Techniques to Land the Dream Job

Article provided by courtesy of Army Career and Alumni Program: https://www.acap.army.mil/default.aspx Interview_hippies 20 Reasons Why People Don’t Get Hired

  1. Poor appearance
  2. Overly Aggressive
  3. Inability to express thoughts and/ or information clearly
  4. Lack of  interest and enthusiasm
  5. Lack of planning for interview i.e. career
  6. Extremely nervous, lacks confidence and poise
  7. Unwilling to start at the bottom
  8. Lacks tact and courtesy
  9. Over emphasis on money
  10. Lacks maturity
  11. Vague responses to specific questions
  12. No genuine interest in the company
  13. Complains about past employers
  14. Failing to make eye contact with interviewer(s)
  15. Little to no sense of humor or personality
  16. Arrives late for interview
  17. Fails to express appreciation for interview opportunity
  18. Fails to ask questions about the job
  19. Makes excuses
  20. Sloppy job application form

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 Interview Techniques to Land the Dream Job

So, If you want the job pay heed to the tips below: First things first, work on your professional appearance Interview_clothes

Preparation for the interview

  1. Find out the full company name and address. Research company mission, scope and major talking points.
  2. Be sure to get the full name and title of the interviewers.
  3. Be sure you confirm the exact address and time of interview.
  4. Prepare enough high quality copies of your resume, references and letter of recommendations for all interviewers.

Immediately before the Interview

Give yourself a confidence boost pep talk as you travel to interview.

  1. Arrive at least 15 min early but no more than 30 min.
  2. Try to be relaxed and poised in a business-like fashion.


During the Interview 

  1. As you enter smile, offer a warm greeting with a firm handshake to interviewers.
  2. Listen carefully and answer all questions fully, truthfully and concisely (NO Slang).
  3. Show a positive attitude, pleasant smile, and be courteous.

After the Interview

Send an Interview appreciation letter or a ‘thank you’ note to interview team.

 Good luck on your Job Search!


Compiled by Beverly VanTull

Information provided by courtesy of Army Career and Alumni Program: https://www.acap.army.mil/default.aspx