Brand Disco

Entrepreneurship makes the world go around. In this issue, GLM decided to highlight a couple of entrepreneurs that are making an impact with their small business. Check out their feature below:

Veteran owned and operated, BrandDisco© is a performance-driven technology company, who specializes in helping you better understand where your candidates thrive, relate and excel in order to accomplish more results in less time.

GLM:  How and when did you get started in your business?

Dawn Nicole: We are “coupleprenuers” and used to run a Branding & Marketing Company called GrowGetter. BrandDisco©, the tool, was first used as a propriety assessment in our business to help our Entrepreneur clients quickly discover their unique brands and value proposition. BrandDisco© has since morphed into a commercial tool and was founded in 2016 yet incorporated in 2018.

GLM: What inspires you as an entrepreneur? Why?

Demario: The ability to control your own destiny and setting your own course throughout the day.

Dawn Nicole: The freedom to create solutions that make a significant impact to the world.

GLM:  If you could sit with anyone to learn about business and life, who would it be?

Demario: Grant Cordone and Gary Vaynerchuk because I like their no-nonsense approach to sales, business, and life in order to get it done.

Dawn Nicole: Mark Zuckerberg and Former President Obama because Mark has been where we are as creators of a global software and Obama has had to exercise extreme resilience under the judging eyes of millions while being all things to all people.

GLM: What was your first entrepreneurial endeavor and how much has it changed from where you are today?

Demario: Recording Studio. As a musician, my focus used to be the creation and recording of good music. However, as BrandDisco©’s Co-Founder and Lead Developer, I now use these same skills-sets and passions to produce digital scripts and footprints that navigate a user’s experience.

Dawn Nicole: Production Company.  As a stage playwright and director, my focus used to be the creation and production of original stage plays and skits. However, as BrandDisco©’s Co-Founder and Content Creator, I now use these same skills-sets and passions to produce science and technology that helps people figure out how to pursue what they love and helps companies hire people who love what they do.

GLM: What one thing that “you know now” as an entrepreneur that you wish you know before you started?

Demario & Dawn Nicole: We wish we knew beforehand that we could develop and build a strong business without using all of our own funds to do so. Capital is king!

GLM: What plans do you have for your business’ expansion?

Demario & Dawn Nicole:  To expand our line of BrandDisco© products and add a national sales team.

GLM: How can people stay up-to-date with your product/service offers?

Demario & Dawn Nicole: Through our website@  and our social media

GLM: What accomplishments are you the proudest of since you began your business?

Demario & Dawn Nicole: Seeing how a once proprietary tool has evolved into a global tool that Leaders use to help others be more successful.

Dawn Nicole, Co-Founder and Business Development Executive

Office.  Cell.
